An expert in cosmopolitan residential and commercial interiors. I live in Berlin, but no one knows where I'll be in a year. In 12 years I have had 4 children, made 3 international moves, and completed more than 80 projects, including the Christmas decoration of 45 giant grocery stores in Russia, interiors of a hotel, a music school, and a beauty salon in Berlin, a chalet in the Austrian Alps, dozens of private appartements in Berlin, Geneva and Moscow. For a long time I worked alone, but now I am happy to have a very cool professional team. My personal source of energy is the idea that I am making a difference in people's lives, individually and to humanity as a whole! I wouldn't settle for anything less.
I studied interior design in Moscow at the Academic School of Design. And my first degree is in journalism (Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University) and I still occasionally write for the media. About design, of course!